Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless Water Heaters are the latest and greatest upgrade for Greater Pomona Valley, CA home and building owners. They are an affordable upgrade that is easily within financial reach of most households. If you’re tired of waiting for the hot water to reach your faucet and sick of the high energy costs required with traditional water heaters than tankless water heaters are a great investment.
A tankless water heater can provide an endless steady stream of instant hot water. The Plumbers Connection has installed many of these systems throughout the Greater Pomona Valley, CA area and we can help you choose the best tankless water heater for your application.
Here Are More Tankless Water Heater Benefits:
#1. No Holding Tank – You can free up some space in your home because the tankless water heater provides hot water on-demand it doesn’t require a holding tank. Holding tanks are a breeding ground for rust and corrosion, which eventually leads to a tank failure.
#2. Long Lifespan – Because tankless water heaters don’t utilize a holding tank and are not exposed to the traditional rust and corrosion that a traditional heater is exposed to they can last nearly twice as long as a conventional water heater.
#3. Reduced Waste – No more running the faucet, waiting for hot water… The average homeowner wastes HUNDREDS of Gallons of water a year doing this. If you are hooked up to a sewer system in the state of Ohio you are billed on your water usage. Less water down the drain will save you money!
#4. Never Run Out Of Hot Water – Because the water is supplied “on-demand” you cannot “empty” the system of hot water. If you’ve got a large family, operate a small business, or even just use hot water frequently then you can relate to this. If you’ve been looking for a modern, energy efficient upgrade for your home or place of business then consider a tankless water heater. Depending on your application there are gas and electric units available and we have the knowledge and expertise to install both.
We Sell & Install These Tankless Water Heaters:
[singlepic id=5 w=150 h=225 float=left]Navien is a worldwide leader in the research, development and manufacturing of Tankless Water Heating systems. With a large product line and large service network you’ll be able to count on your Tankless Water Heater for many trouble free years of use. The tankless water heater products we recommend meet energy star requirements and can be easily retrofitted into any home or business building. The Plumbers Connection can sell, service and install many different makes and brands of Tankless Water Heaters.[divider type=”plain” width=”medium” align=”aligncenter” clear=”clearleft”]